Large Black Pig Breeders Club
Breed Standard
British Pig Association
Breed Standard and Standards of Excellence
Section A - To be eligible for Herd Book entry a pig must (except in exceptional circumstances) be:
- bred in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland
- have at least 12 sound teats
- ear-marked and birth recorded with the BPA in accordance with current regulations
- the offspring of parents already registered either in the Herd Book of the same breed (or in a supplementary register of the Herd Book maintained at BPA’s discretion)
- Free from congenital defects (e.g. Umbilical and Scrotal Hernias, Atresia Ani (blind anus),
cryptorchid boars, extra cleys, twisted, overshot or undershot jaw and rose on the back)
- conform to any other such regulations as are made by the BPA Council from time to time In exceptional circumstances a pig which does not fulfil all the criteria above may be accepted for herdbook registration following an inspection.
Breed Specific Requirements for Herdbook Registration
Ears Lop ears
Colour Black.
Breed Specific Disqualifications which make the pig ineligible for Herdbook Registration Any colour other than black
Section B – Standard of Excellence –
These are recommendations only - breeders should try to achieve these standards in their breeding programmes. Pigs will be judged against these standards of excellence at BPA shows. The Standard of Excellence should be used in the light of known commercial requirements. When assessing the relevant merits of Large Black pigs, this should be done against a background of the killing-out value of the pig at correct weight and age. The value of the pig from a commercial point of view should always take precedence over its ability to conform to breed characteristics as laid down by the Standard of Excellence.
General Quality and Conformation Good carriage on sound feet with length and well developed loin and hams
Head Well-proportioned Medium length, broad and clean between the ears
Jowl & Cheek Freedom from jowl. Strong under-jaw
Ears Long, thin and well-inclined over the face.
Neck Long and clean.
Chest Wide and deep
Shoulders (Important) Fine and in line with ribs.
Back Very long and strong
Ribs Well sprung
Loin Broad and strong
Sides Long and moderately deep
Quarters Long, wide and not drooping
Hams Very broad and full.
Legs Well set, straight and fat. Fine bone
Tail Set moderately high and thick-set.
Skin Blue-black Fine and soft.
Coat Fine and soft, with moderate quantity of straight black silky hair.
Underline Full, straight underline, with at least twelve sound, evenly spaced, well-placed teats and starting well forward
Breed Specific Objections – Breeders should try to avoid these in their breeding programmes
Ears Thick, coarse, cabbage leafed.
Coat Coarse, curly or bristly-mane.
Skin Thick, wrinkled or sooty-black.
Legs and Feet Crooked. Low pasterns and excessively bent hocks.
Neck Coarse Collar
Head Excessive jowl, narrow forehead
Shoulder Heavy and coarse shield.
Condition Excessive fat to be discouraged at Show
Pigs must comply with Section A. Breeders should aspire to breed pigs which meet the Standards of Excellence in Section B. More information is available in the BPA leaflet – Pedigree Breeding the Next Steps.
British Pig Association, www.britishpigs.org
Updated Autumn 2013