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BPA Bloodline Audit 2023 - Large Black

If you completed your survey,  you should already have received an email from the BPA with the results.  


In addition to the usual charts, the BPA have included a geographical distribution split for each line, so we can see trends where lines are only found in certain areas.

Club Objectives

  1. To encourage lines that have less than 5 keepers. Need to raise awareness of the lines with less than 10 individuals - Bess, Fashion, Jewel, Julia, Larkspur, Nocturne, Princess, Queen, Skylark and Warbler lines.

  2. More emphasis will be put on geographical location of lines and we will encourage the breeding of more lines in less represented areas.

  3. Encourage keepers to keep good breeding boars and aid their distribution.

Janice Wood, BPA Large Black breed surveyor             February 2024

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